arunachal pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh: A Paradise of Natural Beauty and Tribal Culture


Arunachal Pradesh, also known as the “Land of the Dawn-Lit Mountains”, is a northeastern state of India that hosts incredible natural landscapes and diverse indigenous communities. Surrounded by Bhutan, Assam and sharing international borders with

andhra pradesh

Andhra Pradesh: A Land of Diversity


Introduction Andhra Pradesh is a state located on the south-eastern coast of India. It is the eighth largest state by area and tenth most populous. Andhra Pradesh has a long coastline along the Bay of

uttar pradesh

Uttar Pradesh – The Heart of India


Introduction Uttar Pradesh, also known as UP, is an Indian state located in Northern India. With over 230 million people, Uttar Pradesh is the most populated subnational entity in the world. It is located in